Access to Oita and Taketa City
The address of Takeda Machi Hotel and the location of the hotel
We will tell you in detail how to get to the castle town of Taketa City, Oita Prefecture.
Address of Takeda Machi Hotel and Oita prefecture where the hotel is located
Access and directions to the castle town of Taketa City
I will tell you in detail.
Takeda Machi Hotel Address
2nd floor, 498 Taketacho, Taketa City, Oita Prefecture
8 minute walk from Bungo Takeda Station
>From Kumamoto Airport to Takeda
Parking lot near you
▼Fureai parking lot
351 Taketa-cho, Taketa City, Oita Prefecture
Price: First hour free
¥100 for 1 hour thereafter
Maximum charge ¥500 per day
▼Castle town exchange plaza
487-1 Takeda-cho, Taketa-shi, Oita
Price: First hour free
100 yen / 1h up to 500 yen (up to 24h)
Access to Takeda from the airport
I will introduce access when coming to Taketa City, Oita Prefecture by plane.
Depends on time and means of transportation
Kumamoto Airport can be reached in a shorter time than Oita Airport..
By car: 1 hour 25 minutes
*There are many rental car shops around the airport.
If you make a reservation, they will pick you up at the airport.
Using public transportation
Bus Kumamoto Airport Line 2 hours 10 minutes
*The last bus from Kumamoto Airport to Takeda is early at 18:28, so please be aware of your flight arrival time.
By car: 1 hour 40 minutes
* There are many rental car shops around the airport, and if you make a reservation, they will pick you up at the airport.
Using public transportation: about 2 hours and 30 minutes including transfer time
(1) Bus only
Oita Airport → 55 minutes In front of Oita Station → 2 minutes on foot
Kanamecho → 1 hour Takeda Onsen Kasuigetsu
(2) Bus and train
Oita Airport → 55 minutes Oita station square → 3 minutes on foot
Oita Station → 1 hour Bungo Takeda Station
From various places to Taketa City, Oita Prefecture
access to
Access from Fukuoka, Kansai, Tokai and Kanto
The shortest way to travel is by car.
If you come by public transportation, use the Shinkansen and come via Kumamoto,
You can use the limited express train (Sonic) and come via Oita Station.
Sonic will be nearly half price if you make an online reservation at least 3 days in advance.Sonic is recommended if you can make a reservation in advance.
By car: About 2 hours and 40 minutes from Hakata Station
Using public transport:
About 4 hours by Shinkansen (via Kumamoto)
7690 yen
Hakata → Shinkansen → Kumamoto → Bus → Takeda
Using Sonic (Limited Express) About 4 hours
Normal: 8,010 yen
→ "Kyushu Net Hayatoku 3" 3,810 yen
To come cheaply, you can either fly from Narita Airport to Kumamoto Airport on Jetstar, or fly from Narita to Oita Airport on Peach (there are only two flights each day, so you need to consider how long you stay).
From Haneda, there are more than 30 flights each day to Kumamoto and Oita.
In terms of the distance from the airport to Takeda, Kumamoto Airport is slightly closer than Oita Airport, and we recommend it because you can see the mountains of Aso on the way.
If you have enough time in your itinerary, we recommend traveling by boat.
Osaka → Beppu: from 9,650 yen
Kobe → Oita 9650 yen and up
It costs about 1,500 yen from Beppu/Oita to Taketa, so you can come to Takeda for as little as 10,000 yen.
When using an airplane
There is a round trip to Itami Airport, but it costs about 30,000 yen one way.
When using the Shinkansen
About 20,000 yen (If you use the Internet Hayatoku at Sonic, it will be about 2,500 yen cheaper.)
Osaka → Shinkansen → Kokura → Sonic (limited express) → Oita
Oita → local train → Bungo Takeda